WonderCrafters at Clearview Sudbury School

Location: East Central Austin
1507 Wilshire Blvd
Austin, TX 78722
Students served: Ages 3 & 4
Current enrollment: Launching Summer 2024
Model/philosophy: Reggio Emilia & Play-based Maker Space
Special features:  WonderCrafters is a play-based, Reggio Emilia–inspired program with a makerspace vibe.
Schedule: Monday–Thursday 9am–3pm, with an extra hour before and after school available. Follows AISD calendar for days off. Summer months available as week-long, theme-based opportunities.
Tuition: The tuition is set at $12,000 per year (including summer months). There is a sibling discount of 25% for the second child and 50% for subsequent children. There is an option to apply for reduced tuition based on the family’s ability to pay.
Contact: Ali Ronder, Director | 512-777-0852| preschool@clearviewsudburyschool.org